The keys to the draft law transposing Directive (EU) 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions

Claus condicions laborals transparents

The Council of Ministers has approved the draft bill to transpose Directive (EU) 2019/1152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union.

Below, we summarise the key highlights of this new regulation:

  • • It will include in the Workers’ Statute the right to know in advance the working hours and possible factors that may affect the working conditions of workers.
  • • Employment contracts will be required to be in writing, with the obligation to record in this way any important changes that occur during the employment relationship.
  • • In case of non-compliance with the obligations, the contract is deemed to be a full-time permanent contract.
  • • The most important conditions to be recorded are: the duration of the contract, the working hours and the probationary period.
  • • In addition, it determines the obligatory registration of the working hours of part-time workers, who must give at least three days’ notice for overtime work.
  • • Finally, companies may not discriminate against their employees for collaborating with other companies, except for legitimate reasons, such as, for example, the protection of confidential data or for health and safety reasons.

If you would like to know more about this new development, please do not hesitate to contact the Employment Department of CINC Asesoría.

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Seguro contra ciberataques
February 21, 2024

Protect your business with cyber attack insurance

La majoria d’organitzacions que sofreixen ciber atacs, a més de no implementar plans de contingència, compten amb un sistema de seguretat molt vulnerable. Per això, en CINC Assessoria et facilitem la contractació d’un segur a través d’una de les millors asseguradores del mercat.

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