Protect your business with cyber attack insurance

Seguro contra ciberataques

Did you know that 6 out of 10 companies end up closing down a year and a half after being hacked? SMEs are the target of cyber attackers: last year, 1,250 cyber intrusions were registered in Spain every week, making it the third most affected country in the world. Most organisations that suffer cyber attacks, in addition to not implementing contingency plans, have a very vulnerable security system.

For this reason, at CINC Correduría de Seguros we make it easy for you to take out cyber attack insurance through one of the best insurance companies on the market.

What coverage does it include?

  • • Protection against all types of attacks by cyber criminals.
    • Employee carelessness (unintentional errors that can compromise computer security).
  • • Inadvertent non-compliance with Data Protection Regulations.
    • Fraud and financial crime: manipulation of transactions or any other action aimed at obtaining illegal gains.
  • • Crashes of proprietary and cloud systems: the inability to access critical resources.
  • • Cyber security experts at your disposal: you will have access to a network of leading specialists in mitigating the effects of cyber attacks. You will be able to consult with lawyers and communication professionals.
  • • The policy includes the restoration of your company’s systems and data recovery through leading consultancy firms with expertise in IT, legal and communication assistance. With CyberClear 360º insurance your business is protected 24/7.
  • • Financial costs and impact of cyber incidents on your business.

Why do you need cyber risk insurance?

  • • You use email in your business: using email is one of the main sources of risk.
  • • Online sales: e-commerce is an increasingly important source of revenue.
  • • You and your employees use mobile devices in the business environment or telecommute.
  • • Dealing with penalties for GDPR non-compliance carries high costs.
    • These incidents cost Spanish companies an average of €105,655.

For more information about taking out this insurance, please contact CINC Correduría.

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