Don’t worry about the possible damage your pet may cause to third parties
- 24 April 2023
- Insurance Brokerage

Did you know that you are responsible for any damage your pet may cause to other people? The civil liability insurance that we offer you at CINC Correduría, will allow you not to worry, as it will assume the possible indemnities derived from any damage that your pet may cause to third parties.
On the 29th of March, the Plenary of the Congress definitively approved the Law for the Protection, Rights and Welfare of Animals, as well as the reform of the Civil Code for penalties for animal abuse, pending in the Senate. The law will come into force six months after its publication, i.e. from 29 September 2023.
The law has ruled that animals are sentient beings, and therefore their rights must be recognised and a responsible approach proclaimed, avoiding commercial and leisure activities that harm their welfare and condemning abusive and neglectful behaviour. This amendment also makes pet insurance compulsory.
What does CINC's civil liability insurance cover?
The coverage of the civil liability insurance guarantees that it is the same insurance that will assume the obligation to compensate, up to the contracted limit, the damages caused by your pet to third parties. Imagine that one day, your pet bites a child, a grandparent falls or unexpectedly breaks an object of value belonging to another person. In any of these situations, you, as the owner of the animal, would be responsible for the damages caused, having to assume the personal and material damages and even, if necessary, the legal costs. With civil liability insurance for pets, in situations like this, you ensure your peace of mind and that of your pocket.
The civil liability insurance adapts to you
– We insure potentially dangerous breeds: We insure your civil liability, even if the breed is considered potentially dangerous. However, it is essential to have obtained and have in force the corresponding administrative licence for the possession of potentially dangerous animals, and to adopt the following safety measures when travelling with the pet: it must be kept on a non-extensible leash, less than 2m long and with a muzzle. Only one pet per person may be carried and, in the event of being in an estate, country house, terrace… it must be tied up, or in a suitable cabin, which guarantees its well-being and the safety of other people.
– Coverage throughout the national territory: The guarantees of this insurance policy are extended and applied to liabilities arising from damage occurring throughout Spanish territory. In the same way, the cover applies to liabilities claimed or recognised by Spanish Courts.
If you are looking for more information, don't hesitate to contact us!
933 030 060 (Barcelona)
972 505 100 (Figueres)
972 940 940 (Girona)