Barcelona International Community Day 2023 : une rencontre qui rassemble les talents internationaux de la ville
Selon les registres municipaux, Barcelone compte plus de 178 nationalités différentes et 31 % de sa population est composée de personnes nées à l'étranger. La ville est donc considérée comme une société cosmopolite, diverse et ouverte.

Hire your private office now and don’t pay until September
From this July, as a new client, CINC offers you the opportunity to contract your new private office now and not pay until September*.
CINC offers you support as an Entrepreneur Service Point (EAP)

Start-up law and foreign investor identification requirements
The law on fostering the start-up ecosystem also focuses on attracting foreign investment and retaining talent. In particular, it affects individuals investing in new or recently created companies.

Start-ups Law

Adaptation and legal compliance of the ecommerce website

New lines of funding for young people, entrepreneurs and innovation
For the past two months, the government has been implementing up to six lines of guaranteed financing that will be available to the self-employed throughout this year.

Do you want to start a business? CINC is waiting for you at BizBarcelona on the 9th and 10th of November.