Adapt your company to the RPGD and the new LOPD in an easy and safe way

All companies, professionals and entities that deal with personal data must comply with the current European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

They are also obliged to adapt to the new Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD, law 3/2018), which specifies a series of issues that are not included in the European regulation.

For this reason, we offer you a customised adaptation and maintenance service for the RGPD and the LOPDGDD:

  • We help you with the initial implementation of the regulations
  • We carry out audits to check the degree of adaptation
  • We facilitate the hiring of a Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Data Protection services

  1. Conducting internal and external audits of GDPR and Spanish Data Protection Act (LOPDGDD)
  2. Data Protection Officer (DPO) service
  3. Whistleblower hotline service for companies
  4. Drafting confidentiality agreements
  5. Training and consulting on Data Protection
  6. Monitoring inspections conducted by the Data Protection Agency
  7. Risk analysis in data processing
  8. Adaptation to the Law of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE)
  9. Drafting legal texts for websites (legal notice, privacy policy, cookie policy, etc.)

If you want more information about the services
we offer, please refer to our catalog

Our locations


C/Llull, 321


C/Riu Güell, 58


C/Blanc, 8


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