
We study the best protection for your assets, whether they are your primary or secondary residence.

Life and Accident

We handle life and accident insurance to ensure you’re covered for any unforeseen events.


We offer a wide range of insurances for your vehicle, motorbike, caravan or others.

Community multi-risk insurance

Ensures the protection of the entire assets of the homeowners’ association.

and family defense

We guarantee a legal advice and defense service in any situation.

Sick leave or hospitalization

Financial peace of mind in the event of sick leave.

Rental protection

If you own a home, you will be covered against any incidents related to the tenant, ensuring rental payment default for up to 12 months.


We offer a variety of health insurance plans according to the chosen option, whether it’s a managed care plan or a free-choice plan.

Savings and investment

We offer insurance that provides returns on your savings with a focus on retirement.

Travel assistance

Travel with peace of mind, no matter what happens, with the best cover.


We have a wide range of insurances for leisure boats.

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Protect your company with our cyberattack insurance
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Team & Christmas: let’s Christmas with us at CINC Girona Terrace
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Insurance Family Protection: take care of your beloved for only 4.83€ per month

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